Atlanta - Low on Gas

The lines snake around intersections. Accidents and fights have happened. Cars run out of gas before they reach the pumps. Stations run out before people make it to the pumps. Prices vary wildly from one station to another, but they are all well over $4 a gallon. People sleep in their cars at stations overnight waiting on another shipment to arrive.

After doing nothing for almost a week, our dumb ass governor, Sonny Purdue, steps in to allow for dirtier gas to be pumped until the crisis is averted. (With a name like Sonny, how bright could he be. Right?) Stations are partly to blame in that they don't require, say five gallons or more minimum fill up. As it is, many folks are topping off their tanks, adding to the problem.
It all reminds me of the oil embargo of 1973, when most stations closed at night and on Sundays. One thing I will predict: Events such as this will become more common over the next few years.

Individually, we need to adjust to this new reality. I adjusted in advance over three years ago by buying a hybrid car. I plan now as if gas is $10 a gallon. Where we work, where we play, where we live, how we live, are all factors and will come back to haunt us or to congratulate us. Think, conserve, and plan or live with the consequences.


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. I live in Anchorage, AK. I have lamented the price of gasolineat $4.00-$4.70
    a gallon. Right now, we can expect to pay about $4.05 a gallon.
    That stinks; but from reading your's and dcup's blogs, I see I have no room for complaint. I can actually GET gasoline and I pay way less than you folks. I'm gonna quit complaining and count my blessings! I hope for an end to this mess for us all.

  2. I wish this were the end of the mess, but I think of this as the new normal. Because of global climate change, we are going to keep seeing these powerful forces of nature fighting back. In turn, they will create whatever havoc with our lives as they may.

    Reducing our dependence of fossil fuels and depending more on widely dispersed sources of energy, such as from wind farms, solar, etc. Think how much energy we might have collected from there hurricanes if we had on the technology.

    Thanks for the sympathy on the shortage and prices. You are getting a real break of prices compared to most of us.


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