Big Daddies' War on the American Worker

Rachel Maddow says it better than I can. You go grrrrl!!! Expose the TRUE motives behind the Southern plantation Big Daddy Senators: anti-workers, anti-jobs, anti-unions, anti-America. These Senators hate America and are still fighting the Civil War. You lost the war and American voters reject your ideas. Cling to your damn rebel flag, you fucking idiots. (Is that too strong?)


  1. Yeah, you know, none of my relatives working for GM and Chrysler & Ford (and that was most of my Mom's side of the family) ever got rich off their UAW-negotiated wages. They did manage to be able to send their kids to college and get decent health care because of those unions. God forbid anybody in the south might get the same break. They might wise up and throw their senators out.

  2. Lord knows, some of us continue to try to get good representation, but the crackers keep winning here. I'm glad Rachel Maddow showed the ties these guys have to foreign auto makers in their states.

    I think unions are a problem for these Senators because the South lost the Civil War to "Union" troops.

  3. The Republican war on unions sickens me. Do the idiots who support Republicans really NOT understand that without unions and free education, we'd have no middle class?


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