CNN: Hate Groups Use Obama Inauguration For Recruiting

Few people blog about this subject, but I won't let it go. There is racism that is merely someone's ignorant point of view, and then there is the violent kind, which every patriotic American should report.

Investigators in Forsyth County are still pursuing leads in a fire that destroyed the home of a supporter of President Obama. They have confirmed that the blaze at the home of Pamela Graf was intentionally set but are not releasing any specifics, Steve Anderson, chief of investigations for the fire department, said Tuesday. Graf’s home burned Jan. 18 after she left town to attend Obama’s inauguration. Racially charged graffiti was sprayed on a nearby fence. Federal ATF investigators are assisting in the investigation. Anyone with information is asked to call the department’s anonymous tip line at 770-888-7308. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
Three men accused of burning a predominantly black church in Massachusetts hours after the election of President Barack Obama have been released on house arrest. Prosecutors had opposed the $100,000 bail for 22-year-old Benjamin Haskell, 24-year-old Michael Jacques and 21-year-old Thomas Gleason of Springfield. They were arrested Jan. 16 on charges of conspiracy to violate the rights of the congregation of the Macedonia Church of God in Christ. The almost-finished new building was heavily damaged. In documents unsealed after the arrests, an FBI agent said two of the men expressed racial motives for setting the fire. [AP]
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  1. Again I ask - what the hell is wrong with people?????

    And honestly, I know this is mean-spirited, but when I see some of these haters, I am astounded that they can look in the mirror and feel at all superior to anyone. They look like goons and have the intelligence of belly button lint.

    Well, I guess I just answered my own question, didn't I?


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