I think I have 99% recovered from my surgery now. However, I am now getting the avalanche of statements, insurance forms, etc. from that surgery. Why is it more often the case that the paperwork is more of a pain than surgery? An acquaintance sent me an email this week calling me a "fucking bitch" and told me to "get a job." Apparently, she was upset at some of my blog postings, saying that some of my posts were "hateful." I get the irony here. Someone calls my writings hateful, yet she sends me an email calling me a "fucking bitch." I feel sad for her. No loss for me. I've lost no sleep over it. And speaking of sleep, I guess the surgery and anesthesia after-effects have caused me to sleep more. I slept until 11 AM today, and I never sleep that late on a weekend. Of course, I cut the grass and did other yard work on Saturday, so maybe that was part of it. I still have some job leads. It would be nice to be able to go out and "get a job,...