Some Health Care Facts

Here are a few facts about health care in the US that I recorded while watching a short segment on health care on CNN:
  • France spends $3449 per person per year on health care.
  • The United Kingdom spends $2760 per person per year on health care.
  • Canada spends $3678 per person per year on health care.
  • The United States spends $6714 per person per year on health care.
Do we get our money's worth for paying so much extra? You decide:
  • The US ranks 50th in the world in life expectancy.
  • The US ranks 44th in the world in infant mortality.
We are spending more on health care partly due to the administrative costs of having so many health care plans. Americans also go to specialists more, which adds to costs. There is more emphasis on prevention in other countries, such as Canada, which reduces the need for health care.

I could go on, but these are just the facts I recorded from the short segment. Obviously, there are other reasons for our high costs in the US.


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