Save Money While You Save Energy! – October 2-5
I am reposting this from an email from Georgia Interfaith Power and Light : There is an Energy Star Tax Holiday coming up October 2-5. No sales tax on many Energy Star items up to $1500. So you can double up on savings with the purchase of select products labeled with the ENERGY STAR logo, no sales tax and then save again with lower monthly home energy bills. If you've been thinking about replacing your dishwasher, clothes washer, room air conditioner, ceiling fans, compact fluorescent light bulbs, dehumidifier, programmable thermostats, refrigerator, doors and windows, October 2-5 is the time to do it! In addition to foregoing the sales tax on certain ENERGY STAR products, consumers in Georgia can also save the sales tax on specific water-efficient products labeled with the WATER SENSE logo. ENERGY STAR and WATER SENSE labels designate products that meet strict federal energy-efficiency and water-efficiency criteria, respectively. Both labels are programs of the U.S. Environmenta...