Colmes - Who?

If Colmes is a liberal, you can slap your mama. No wait, Colmes was the Fox Noise Network idea of a "nice" liberal.

“Hannity & Colmes” will soon be without “Colmes.”

Alan Colmes, the longtime liberal half of the Fox News Channel prime time program, will leave the show at the end of the year.... [NY Times]


  1. GEEZE! I wonder why? Could it be that he finds his co-host just a bit annoying???!!!!!! Me thinks so.

  2. I could never figure out how he could endure that show.

  3. I really liked Sean Hannity when he was a radio talk show host here in the ATL. That show, though. Not a big fan. Neither of them represent well, in my opinion.

  4. If Hannity represents most conservatives, they could not have a much worse representative. What ever happened to intellectual conservatives, such as the late Bill Buckley or Barry Goldwater? The stuff I hear from Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. really is extreme right stuff, IMNSHO.


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