Whaz Up?

I want to digress a bit from all of the policy issues I've been writing about recently to update everyone on "things." Last night our Marietta PFLAG chapter had a very successful (in terms of attendance and in donations) showing of Milk. I did not count, but it looked as if we had about 30-40 people in attendance. Thanks to everyone who helped make last night a huge success.

I've been giving serious thought over the past couple of weeks to a career change...sorta. I am looking primarily for two types of work now and planning on a third. I am focusing on writing/editing jobs with non-profits and entry-level positions in journalism, with an emphasis on the former. I know some people consider blogging to be journalism. I think there are some journalists who are bloggers, but there are few bloggers who are journalists. My limited experience in journalism dates back to my student newspaper days at Mercer. My experience with non-profits has been on-going over my life.

Additionally, I plan to contact a person here in the Woodstock area next week who may have information on retraining. I want to consider retraining in a career in which I can find a job closer to home and in a field where the number of jobs is growing. Until I reach age 62 and can then have free tuition in Georgia public universities and colleges, I need to find a program for retraining that is of no cost to me.

On a personal note, I miss seeing movies as I once did, but I had to trim my spending. I hope some of you will tell me about wonderful new movies/films you have seen. Otherwise, I'm adapting to life being unemployed probably better than many folks.
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