Rick Warren: In Quest of His Toaster Oven

A friend asked me what I thought about Obama's pick of Rick Warren to give the invocation at the inauguration. I told her I was disappointed as I don't agree with the fundamentalist lifestyle, and I believe that marriage between fundamentalists should be outlawed. I have to get on a rant here, since I was asked.

Fundamentalism is clearly a chosen lifestyle that harms children and young people who are recruited into its fold. Healthy children are born with bright inquiring minds. Fundamentalism stunts their growth from ever maturing into healthy, thinking adults. As fundamentalist adults, they often flaunt their lifestyle on television, radio, and other media. They use lies and distortions, such as those present in their so-called "holy" books, to try to brainwash the young and old alike, just to get some sort of prize after they die...I think it is a toaster oven.

They have strange practices and rituals that include getting totally wet and being popped on their head so that they collapse backwards, in an unnatural way. They hold their arms in the air for extended periods of time as if in a trance. Some of them handle snakes and drink poison.

Rick Warren publicly flaunts his "marriage" to his so-called "wife." I find that disgusting and a bad example for both young people and adults. It is clearly a threat to the American way of life and is just another way fundamentalists recruit young people and children into their cults.

Fundamentalism is a gateway lifestyle to even more bizarre practices of Mormonism and Islam, with their many so-called "wives" and subjugation of women. Mormons and Muslims in particular have a fondness for young girls. This is disgraceful, but this is where we are headed as a society when a fundamentalist can speak openly at a Presidential inauguration.


  1. "Healthy children are born with bright inquiring minds. Fundamentalism stunts their growth from ever maturing into healthy, thinking adults."

    truer words...

    good rant, roger :) - there HAD to have been a better pick among the RWingers - the other guy officiating, Rev. Joe Lowry seems to be a decent guy at least - and not a fundie bigot

  2. The rant, of course, was tongue-in-cheek. While I don't condone bigotry, even under the guise of religious principles, I think some of the outrage over Warren's selection is just as prejudiced as the views of Warren and other fundamentalists.

    I think Obama is arguably the most principled President since Jimmy Carter. I have no doubt he will enact many measures that will please me and anger Warren. If he wants to cast a wide net for his inauguration, I'm not going to protest more than I did here.

  3. Love it! Excellent piece of satire, my friend!

  4. Thanks Rachel. I enjoy writing it because I did not get as upset as many LGBTQ folks about the Warren invitation. We'll have some gains to cheer about soon enough with Obama.

  5. ROFL! Great satire, Roger, although I think you may have hit too close to home with this paragraph:

    "Fundamentalism is a gateway lifestyle to even more bizarre practices of Mormonism and Islam, with their many so-called "wives" and subjugation of women. Mormons and Muslims in particular have a fondness for young girls. This is disgraceful, . . ."

    I used to hold views about gays similar to Rick Warren's, so I like to think it's possible for people to come to their senses. It might take some of us a while, but if we're really working on it, it does happen. The illogic and discrimination just becomes untenable after a while. But only if you actually listen to opinions that don't agree with your own (preferably from actual gay people), which Warren seems to do. So maybe there's hope for him yet.

  6. But you have a mind and strong intellect, Ann, so it was inevitable that you would change your beliefs.

    Warren has a huge financial stake in maintaining his current views. If he became LGBTQ-supportive, he would lose his empire. Not gonna happen.

    I'm just trying to stay focused on real issues instead of what I think is a knee-jerk reaction over this Warren invitation...and do it with a sense of humor.


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