A Case Against the "Fair Tax" - Part 1
There are some people in the US who want to impose a new 23% sales tax on every thing and service you buy. They expect that this tax will replace the progressive income tax system and close the IRS doors. Some of the advocates of this fairy tale tax are among the richest in America, although not everyone who supports this new tax is rich. No tax is fair to everyone. The term, "fair tax" is an obvious oxymoron. There is no way to structure a tax system that is "fair" to everyone, at least in each payer's mind. For me, the "fair tax" would not be fair at all. I would pay more tax as I explain below. However, I not only oppose this tax based for its negative effect on me personally, but I also oppose it on philosophical grounds. I favor a progressive graduated and simplified income tax system. Sure the rich pay more under such a system and many probably don't like it, but does it keep them from continuing to make more money? Not a chance. I believe th...